I wasn’t going to read this, Ken. Almost heeded your trigger warning. I’ve never been able to write about what happened, back then. Every time, my voice would fall to a whisper and I’d work on something less…real. But you’ve done it, and now I don’t have to. This was more than extraordinary. It was freeing.

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I know I already responded to this but, Liz... thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your comment brought tears to my eyes yesterday. It still does. Such a strange feeling: to be heartbroken and ecstatic, all in one go. If the words stopped here, I could take this to look back on and know I did something right, just once.

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Oh, you did it right. I probably won’t read it again (that’s me, not you), but I will never forget it. It untied a knot I didn’t even know I still had.

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Wow, Ken...this is unbelievably powerful. The work is so raw and embodied, and had my heart on my sleeve the entire time. Brutal yet profound work.

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Evocative, powerful, hard-hitting. From the title to every paragraph and sentence here, the atmosphere and mood are so well fleshed out that any point of apathy for the MC , even on the basis of her being ficitous, becomes impossible.

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So incredibly good. Amazing. Beautiful.

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This is really deep and dark Ken. I am glad she got out of it. It isn't easy. This sort of thing.

You've really drawn me into the scene, the whole atmosphere is gloomy and reek of despair, the hope at the end was really refreshing. Great piece.

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Masterfully written. Just... wow. 👏

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