Jun 25Liked by Ken Flyingheart

what imagery ken! i would absolutely read a series like this.

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Thanks! I do hope the next ones are going to hit the same note-- frankly doubt it. It's more a... creative exercise? I suppose. Because it's always apartments and houses and that kind of shit. But what if? What if it isn't? You'll see what I mean with the next one, which will be kinda Summer Reads. Which reminds me, I've still got yours saved. Gotta tread carefully or I'll flame out again, you understand!

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Jun 24Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I think your POV works really well for your style in this one. I have saved the last one but have not read yet.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 26Author

I try to break out of first person from time to time because otherwise I feel I'm going down the drain. Strangely, my two favorites so far are "To the birds" and "Lucky find" because they're a bit more removed from my usual "broken people" (and my own mind, therefor), and felt so good coming together towards the end. But maybe you and WP are right. It's hard to judge what doesn't work for my style if you can't "see" your own style!

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I would say this one fits my particular tastes better. I've enjoyed all the posts I've read of yours though. 🙌

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Yeah, I tend to swerve all over the road these days. I'm still stewing on some good ones. I had another bird thing coming but it stopped dead in its tracks this morning. Whaddaya gonna do?

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I know the feeling all too well. All we can do is keep pushing forward. The story will come.

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The writing here is tight (which is typical of your writing in general) and the story is super creepy. Well done! 👏 More, please?

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Better than the last ones?

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Love the vibe. Sort of noir-y. Nice ending. On to #2!

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I finally managed to strike “nail” of my idea list!

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Jun 27Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Ken, you captured the cop so damn well. How his mind became a bad place too. I've known several cops and detectives. What they see regularly and would label standard fare, is awful to the rest of us. What they see occasionally is the stuff of nightmares. What they see maybe only once in an entire career is soul crushing and more or less the end for them, as well as the victim. Such a great job on this. - Jim

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Thanks Jim. Utmost respect for LEOs because, like you said, their "routine" day is usually our worst. Which is why you'll probably never catch me playing out the "bad cop". A tough job that breaks a lot of good hearts and minds-- something too few people realise.

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Jun 26Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I thoroughly enjoyed this. The character’s voice is very specific and the way he describes everything is soooooo gossipy which makes it worst! BRAVA

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An interesting blend of lit-fic and horror. The detail work is gruesomely thorough. The MC's perspective is unusual, but it works.

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Thanks Bill! It's a bit of experimentation, trying to get the cobwebs out. I'm stuck on edits for something right now, but you and Jim are at the top of my TBR list. I've got half a dozen post of yours saved from previous MM's. Excited to get into the myth!

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Thanks! I know what it is to have a large TBR. If there were a spell on me that preventing me from dying until I’d read everything I want to, I’d live forever…

Just recently, I was having cobwebs too. Different circumstance—moving ahead on a first draft. I broke that one by sitting down and not getting up until I’d written a certain amount, even if it wasn’t great. Edits, of course, are a different beast.

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The first ones ever so it's an experience. TBR is reaching Everest proportions. But I'm blocking off time after the one I'm working on now. It's too hot here to keep the motor running for hours and I originally came to Substack to read and to support and motivate others. It would be nice to get back to that a bit more going forward!

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Spine-chilling! It's a good one.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Thanks Jennifer! I think this is the first time I've managed to creep you out! High praise, indeed.

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Fantastic building of detail toward a complete picture of horror. Great work Ken.

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Thanks Murph! I've had fun with these--oddly enough. The second one had me laughing myself silly. I might be going insane.

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Haven’t got there yet so I don’t know if you really are doolally - old Britishism for you.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Filed away. Haven't gotten to your latest one yet, either. I'm working out a bird thing for Sean to read. I'm thinking it has legs and I've had a break recently so why not try the mags again?

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My latest one is probably for strict esoterica-heads only. I know one or two chaps that would be pretty much perfect for, but it's probably a bit dusty tome for general readers.

Remember if you get back into journal submissions that nothing that happens re acceptance or rejection is to be taken too seriously.

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I might be one or two; I'm a pretty eclectic reader. Regarding submissions: they're not getting me down again. I just spent an entire day revising a story for a collection I don't care about in the slightest while convinced I'll never get in the publications I want to be in. Life's funny that way. I'll try for a while yet. But it's no longer driving me crazy.

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Whoa! Couldn’t wait to read it, not a bit disappointed. The victim’s death is an absolute horror, but I was sucked in by the idea of the “bad place”. That’s my jam! And the end was perfect. Oh, that narrator has something coming…

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Also fascinated by it (of course) but I’m gonna twist it around a bit. Bad places are everywhere, after all…

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