This one is a punch right to the gut. A drag through the under-crypt of corpse horror. Aagh! I was right there with liquefying Brandon, god, the experience! This was a supernova, Ken.
Whoa. Just whoa. 'Back the truck, the fuck up' as my buddy used to say. Going to reread this at least once. Terrific stuff, Ken. You are on your game, nothing but net. - Jim
Ken, this was brilliant. The main character's careless evil is too real to be ignored. Whatever trauma he initially experienced, is doesn't seem to have translated to regret or guilt. That's a special kind of bad.
This one is a punch right to the gut. A drag through the under-crypt of corpse horror. Aagh! I was right there with liquefying Brandon, god, the experience! This was a supernova, Ken.
Thanks Liz! Really love this comment! It's wrong how much I enjoy doing this. Maybe *I'm* a bad place, too.
You expose the bad places, and how! You’re a superhero!
Whoa. Just whoa. 'Back the truck, the fuck up' as my buddy used to say. Going to reread this at least once. Terrific stuff, Ken. You are on your game, nothing but net. - Jim
Thank you, Jim! Seriously. I'm always so glad when you enjoy one of my stories. And I'm always thankful for your support of an unhinged dabbler!
Read it again this morning and, well...I uh, want you to stay away from me. (backing up slowly) You hear me? (pointing) I mean it.
Ken, this was brilliant. The main character's careless evil is too real to be ignored. Whatever trauma he initially experienced, is doesn't seem to have translated to regret or guilt. That's a special kind of bad.