Jun 7Liked by Ken Flyingheart

This was EPIC! Terrifying…heartbreaking…really frightening in a way that touches something deeper than the love for horror stories. This is Lovecraft’s madness welded to King’s muscular horror.

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Thanks, Liz! Thought I lost you with the last one… glad you’re back!

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Never lost! I’m eagerly reading all of it! Sometimes I read late at night and I’m too stunned at that hour to think of what I want to say. The stories overwhelm my brain. But I am always here!

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Jun 7Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Oh man that was so intense. The rite of sacrifice was well worth all the slow burn that came before.

For a fella who doesn't like Lovecraft you sure are kicking his butt.

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Jun 11Liked by Ken Flyingheart

okay i cheated and read #3 before i finished this. which was okay but I'm glad (unsettled) that i finished this now. The detailed realism is truly gripping and terrifying when the shit goes down. Some cool things you did: using family dynamics to make the scenes very lived in, the traffic as a device, the ghost lights - all of it ---very well done and poignant.

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Thanks Jon. It's fine. It think EJ read them out of order, too. It took a turn, is all I can say. Now I'm left with multiple storylines and I've got a side project going as well... June is going to be a very exhausting month for me!

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Jun 11Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I see a sepulchral tsunami on the horizons

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Probably. But no one can say I’m slacking off.

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Jun 9Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I am awed by the depth and d breadth of your work on this Ken. it is so intricate, and you kept up the dread through every sentence. bravo.

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Thank you! Hope it doesn't end up fizzling out because this wasn't supposed to happen at all. I'm keeping your Summer Read as my treat for the day because I'm stuck on paragraph one atm and I need some motivation!

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I'm blown away. ❤️

Something I hadn't noticed until this story is just how good you are a dialogue. So stoked on this story--maybe I should read Lovecraft? haha

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This is the first time I've had room to fit in some dialogue-- although there was a serious chunk in Wasp, I think. Love good conversations but they're hard to keep contained. And you're not bad at them either! Dialogue in Feathers II was so good!

Can't really vouch for Lovecraft; he's so old school. They're not easy, laidback reads. What I'm doing is twisting it out of shape, try to give it some real world tension. But the King legacy is showing!

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Jun 7Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Is there actually a difference between issuing a quality warning on your work and saying I'm sorely tempted to do exactly that?

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Fair point. Give me a break, I'm an addict!

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Thanks A.P.! Really took some doing so I’m glad it worked a bit. Taking the day to puzzle out part 3 because things are getting complicated!

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