Fucking brilliant.

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Jul 2Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Oh my god! I don’t have words for how I love this! This may be your best yet, Ken. My grandma Z and her sister (not twins) were named May and June, lol. This is so painfully beautiful and you captured little girls with uncanny accuracy. Love, love, love!

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Thanks Liz! I was honestly worried about this one. And now you've got me worried about a whole mess of other stuff!

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Jul 2Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Nothing to worry about. You are in the groove!

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Jul 1Liked by Ken Flyingheart

This is nothing short of fantastic, Ken. I don't even know what else to say. Beautiful, moving and deep. You are painting a masterpiece with words.

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Thanks, Jim! It’s been one of the tougher ones so far so I hope part two holds up. It might not but I’m glad I finally took the time for this one. It was important.

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I've always thought that the tough ones are tough for a reason and that if you stick with it, gut it out, or even come back to it later - it will deliver in the end. I also think great writers, almost unanimously doubt their work at times, or even most times. They stew over it, measure it harshly, are merciless in critiquing themselves and are rarely satisfied. That's why they're great. That's why some athletes, academics and other professionals are great. That's why you're great. Super writing.

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This was so good. I don't know how to describe the atmosphere you've created with this story, but it's full, believable, and haunting.

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Thanks Stephanie! I'm taking some chances with this one so it's perfectly possible it will land flat on its face. But that's half the fun, isn't it?

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The detail work is superb, and you end this part in a perfect place. No wonder the story keeps coming back to you.

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beautiful and terrifying ken. well done.

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