Ken, Ken Ken! I don't really like Lovecraft either. I like your work though. Thank you for sticking with this.

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It's getting harder with each chapter. A few more and I'll be doodling on the walls!

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Jun 9Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I read these out of order (not sure how I managed that) and i’m so amazed how they work by themselves or in a series. it’s a testament to your storytelling.

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I initially toyed with the idea of changing form for each chapter, but that's Lovecraftian all on its own. Ashley is now one of the mains, although he might be more background going forward-- and assuming I can keep going. You're gonna be disappointed with the 2:2 though (don't know if you've read it already), because it's more mainstream. I know you're not a big fan of that kind of horror. Happened all on its own, I swear!

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Jun 9Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I am a fan of ken flyingheart

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As I am a fan of yours, EJ. Far as I'm concerned, you're the dark master here.

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Fantastic, though you scorn it, it actually builds tension really well.

Quick question - had you seen my thing on Cannes before you did this, or is this a real nightmarish convergence of fate from beyond the dark sky - are we both working at the bidding of the Old Ones?

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Read yours "while" I was writing it. I'm keeping it going in part 2 (in the background), but I'm already losing my edge, feels like. Yours was fantastic, by the way! I think I spaced leaving a comment;I had a bit of a rough patch last week.

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Thanks a lot for the comment but more important for my mental health is knowing that there's a rational explanation for that reference, and that you and I are not connected by some sort of dark tendril beyond our imagining... Or are we?

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We might very well be. Lovecraft had all the makings of a dark sorcerer. Who's to say his work's not cursed by some powerful magic, dooming all who dare invoke it?

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Flyingheart

[This comment has been removed because it violates community guidelines relating to the invocation of eldritch beings whose very existence destroys reason]

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Jun 2Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Magnificent! What a stellar homage to Lovecraft! Filled with that classic dread and insidious madness, the terrible dawning knowledge of the world behind the world. Have you read Laird Barron’s stuff? More Elder Gods! Can’t wait for part 2!

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Did you get the Erich Zann reference? I'll go a little easier on the lore for part 2, but I've got some stuff coming-- although I'm not gonna put it up for MM (the first one is already making it difficult). Already quarter of the way in, so we'll see if I can keep it going!

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Yes! The violin music! I thought about what you said about not really liking Lovecraft. I remember reading him in my 20s and not much liking him. Then I read him again when I turned 50. Blew me away and I wondered what it was I didn’t see the first time. Now, he’s stuck in my brain like a dark bullet. I didn’t much like Arthur Machen, either. Maybe I’ll give him another read, too.

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My in-law's room is right above my office and someone was making a scrapping sound while I was reading this--but even if I didn't have that auditory assist, this story would have pulled me right in. You do such a great job at making things uncomfortable for the reader--making me feel stressed before any majorly stressful even happens! Can't wait for part 2!

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Part 2 is already underway, as wonky as this one was. Although an ending has yet to announce itself… imma take a break for yours later!

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Really enjoyed the creeping sense of dread with this, Ken. Looking forward to reading part 2 👍🏼

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