Jun 6Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Great unsettling atmosphere and teeth grinding suspense Ken!

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Thanks, Jon! It fought me the entire way but it’s shaping up. Hope I can keep it going!

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Jun 9Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Well I really liked this- great sci-fi feeling, things going on that makes me curious to find out - even though you did not seem to have much good to say about it in the intro! Definitely a keeper and a keep going IMO. 😊🙏🏼✨

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Thanks Tracy! I think this is the first comment I’ve gotten from you, so I must have done something right with this one! I’m already past the next one, going strong. For now, at least!

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I am definitely a fan 😊😊

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Jun 9Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Nice! Love me some Lovecraft-inspired tales! Well done!

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9Author

Thank you! June is Lovecraft. Although it's becoming a gigantic undertaking!

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Jun 6Liked by Ken Flyingheart

I love the way you unfold a story Ken. how the details emerge over time until the reader is totally enraptured. it’s masterful.

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Thanks EJ. These posts are costing me, though. Much harder than my usual shorts. Newfound respect for novelists!

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Like I said in my restack, if I could get a novel of this, I would eat that up. I wasn't reading this story I was living it; I was there in the shop watching things unfold--I was there in the street firing the gun. (also loved that you said the back windshield turned to "milk".) Anticipating part 2 of 2.

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Very well might turn out to be novel length. Although I’m geographically stuck right now. Hate it when reality gets in the way of plotting the end of the world.

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It's going fantastic, once you tough your way through it you can edit it to become that dark nightmare of your dreams.

Looking forward to part 2 of part 2, and then part 1 of part 3 and so on into the cosmic miasma of infinity.

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