Jun 19Liked by Ken Flyingheart

Agh, this was great. The way he can't really love her until she's a statue... but that's still not enough, he needs the critic's approval - so good. Beautiful and horrible (in the horror sense, definitely not the technically bad sense!) at the same time.

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Thank you! Dug deep for this one. Though it will need some work down the road.

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This one probably would have won the contest imo. ❤️

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I don't know... something flew off the handle in the final scene. Everything considered, not surprising. I'll get it in time.

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Don't overthink it. This was good, move on to the next story. 🍻

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No-- Not a classic "Ken" moment. Something happened there, at the end. I didn't... feel that ending. It isn't right. I'm not hung up on it; I just can't see it yet. But I will.

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A great piece which really gets to the essence of an artist who is also a loving partner. The tone is pretty much perfect, and as a whole it is extremely moving. Well worthy of a rework to get that ending just so. (Not busting your balls there, but saying that the overall power of the story merits that extra push)

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Yes! I know. There's something not quite right there. I'm letting it rest a bit to get it to boil. Thanks for the comment, Murphy. Dead-on.

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If you want my opinion, I always believe that emotion is best conveyed with some thing, an object, that comes to stand for the emotion in a symbolic way. In this case the statue itself might convey that (like a hairline crack he couldn't see but the critic could, for instance) or some other item like he realizes he used her clothing to polish the statue.

Words are great but a mental image that conveys the same thing is more powerful IMO.

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Interesting. I'm gonna turn back to it in due time. Maybe by then I'll have some more skill. I'll come pick your brain, maybe?

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Basically you just did. That's the only writer trick I know. Brain now empty.

But happy to chat about your work any time, mate. DM if you like.

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Once I've found some solid ground, I will.

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You're so damn prolific it's crazy! How do you keep turning out beautiful, horrifying works??? What's the secret?

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Torment and pain inside. It has a pretty personal note, this one, sad to say.

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Oo, I love how her dying body and the new body of the marble become intertwined.

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So... not horrible??

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Oh yes, definitely. Sad though. His descent into desperation and the lack of awareness of how she was slipping away. That guy's approval was more important.

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Phew! Thought I missed the mark!

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Not at all. It's actually sad, moving and chilling. He becomes a monster, really. A shell of a man. Unnamed sculpture/unnamed woman. As though her being the model for the sculpture was the only way to validate her existence. Any other way of her existing was an inconvenience. It's a good story. Dark.

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Yes, it is dark. The hidden depths we can wallow in, deeper and darker than anyone can plumb. It’s a beautiful, tortured, soul scream of a story.

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Exactly what I was going for!

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